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Hilltop Holiness Missions


Global Reach

Jesus said, ‘But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’ (Acts 1:8). Our Missions efforts begin in Walnut Grove, Georgia, and extend across the world. We support missionaries God has called to be a witness of His Salvation and spread the Good News of the Gospel of His Love, 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16) 

Hilltop Holiness Missions helps take the Gospel to remote and unreached areas across the Americas, Asia, Europe, and New Zealand. All of this is made possible to the glory of God by your faithful giving. Thank You!

Alliance for Global Missions Advancement

Alliance for Global Missions Advancement

At AGMA we believe it is the Biblical mandate of God’s people to send and support those endeavoring to build the Kingdom of God around the world. We have witnessed the sacrifices made by these men and women of God in an effort to see souls saved, lives changed and nations positively influenced by the Gospel. It is our desire, along with our visionary donors, to help relieve the financial stress of full time missionaries and evangelists and in turn, increase their efficiency and effectiveness. We will do this by providing a sustainable funding apparatus, focused entirely on lowering the financial stress and instability of full time missionaries and evangelists. We do this by emphasizing consistent monthly support. 100% of all donations are put directly into the ministry. Our support budget is set at the beginning of every year, and is based on what was raised the previous fiscal year. This allows us to offer unwavering support each month, to each work. This also allows the beneficiaries to better budget, knowing they have a consistent flow of income each month they can rely on being there. We believe that living with constant financial stress negatively effects all areas of life. These areas include family well-being, spiritual encouragement and ministerial effectiveness. We believe, with the partnership of visionary donors, we can help relieve that burden and in turn increase the quality of life and ministerial effectiveness for those who have sacrificed all for the promotion of the Gospel. As AGMA grows, by the help of God and your support, it is also our desire to help facilitate the call of God for new missionaries and evangelists. By having a financial support system already in place, we want to lower the barrier of entry into full time work for those who have been commissioned by the Holy Ghost, are willing to receive the proper training and give their life to the cause of Christ. It is our sincerest belief that finances should never prevent those who are truly called from entering full time ministry. Let us all be engaged in the vital, eternal work of investing in the building of God’s Kingdom. We do not have to agree on everything, but surely we can agree on this one thing: “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” “How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?” Let us all endeavor to do our part and make an eternal impact on the world.

Missionaries and Ministries We Support
Click on Each Button to Learn More


Holiness Ministries for Latin America

Light In The Darkness Ministries

River of Life Ministries

Christ Cares World Ministries Sumner Family

Heritage Bible College

Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference (PFYC)

Alliance for Global Missions Advancement - AGMA

Lower Lights Prison Ministries

The Christian Family Center (CFC)

Gospel International


Where we are in the World

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

Through your support, Hilltop Holiness is helping ministers and missions all over the world.


Experience Missions Through Our Past Events


Hilltop Visits Light In The Darkness Ministries in Roatan, Honduras


Lower Lights Prison Ministry Visits Hilltop


The Christian Family Center and Hilltop Visits With Each Other

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